60% Off iZotope Mixing & Mastering Software Plug-Ins
14th Mar 2019
From now until the End of March 2019, get 60% off all mixing & mastering software plug-ins from iZotope including Ozone & Neutron.
This promo includes 08N2 Bundle - Two award-winning products for mixing and mastering with new futuristic tools. Music Production Suite 2 - All you need for music production - 30 industry standard plugins. Neutron 2 Mixing Console + Neutron 2 Advanced - Control every aspect of your music, from the visual soundstage of your tracks to the tonal balance of your mix. Neutron Elements - Achieve a clear, well-balanced mix with innovative new mixing and analysis tools. Ozone 8 + Ozone 8 Advanced, Your one stop for a tonally balanced, professional master!