Palmer Studio Monitor Volume Controllers

6th May 2024

Palmer Studio Monitor Volume Controllers

Palmer Professional Active & Passive Studio Monitor Controllers

Your monitoring system’s degree of precision can either make or break your studio mix. The MONICON series is coupled with the STUDIMON monitor speakers to always ensure a faithful-sounding mix that’s reproduced with the highest possible dynamics and impulse fidelity.

Powerful Sound Control

The Palmer STUDIMON studio monitors and MONICON series’ monitor controllers are perfectly attuned to each other to achieve powerful sound reproduction with on-point analogue level control .

Palmer Monitor Controllers Powerful Sound Control

Seamless Integration

The refined design of the monitor controllers makes it immediately obvious that they’re all part of the same family and can also be seamlessly integrated into your studio.

Palmer Monitor Controllers Seamless Intergration

Best-In-Class Circuitry

 The controllers’ miniature consoles are fitted out with large, easy-to-operate volume knobs, and their circuitry is all-passive to prevent signal colouration. 

Palmer Monitor Controllers Circuitry

Added Features

In addition, the Monicon L with its array of added features and built-in headphone amp just can’t be topped in the case of complex monitoring systems.

Palmer Monitor Controllers Added Features

Buy Palmer Monitor Controllers Today:

See the monitor controllers in action: